Boris Johnson faces growing pressure over Tony Blair’s knighthood: Petition calling for PM to take action has reached over ‘HALF a MILLION’ signatures within three days as fury grows from families of Iraq war dead

Petition to The Prime Minister Tony Blair to have his "Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter" rescinded

The most controversial name in the Queen’s New Year Honours list was the former Labour Prime Minister, the first and only person to date to lead the party to three consecutive general election victories that ended with a crushing defeat in 2010 Leaving the Blairites and New Labour in a political wilderness.

Blair has long faced criticism for sending troops into Afghanistan and Iraq, a decision which culminated in a devastating report by Sir John Chilcot in 2016 which found he overplayed evidence about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. 

Desmond Tutu declared: “The immorality of the United States and Great Britain’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, has destabilised and polarised the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history.

Instead of recognising that the world we lived in, with increasingly sophisticated communications, transportations and weapons systems necessitated sophisticated leadership that would bring the global family together, the then-leaders of the US and UK fabricated the grounds to behave like playground bullies and drive us further apart. They have driven us to the edge of a precipice where we now stand – with the spectre of Syria and Iran before us.”

It was the same Late Archbishop Desmond Tutu that called for Tony Blair and George Bush to be hauled before the international criminal court in The Hague and delivered a damning critique of the physical and moral devastation caused by the Iraq war.

Tutu, the Nobel peace prize winner and hero of the anti-apartheid movement, accused the former British and US leaders of lying about weapons of mass destruction and saying the invasion left the world more destabilised and divided “than any other conflict in history”.

Writing in the Observer, Tutu also suggests the controversial US and UK-led action to oust Saddam Hussein in 2003 created the backdrop for the civil war in Syria and a possible wider Middle East conflict involving Iran. 

He was not wrong! The fallout from the decision to invade Iraq based on the Dodgy dossier carries the ghost of countless dead, who died on a decision based on a lie.  

A lie that destabilised entire regions, regions that almost a quarter of a century on are still in turmoil.

Of course, Current Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, said: ‘The last Labour government delivered enduring change from the national minimum wage to the peace process in Northern Ireland. My congratulations to Tony Blair on this recognition for his public service to our country.’

If Starmer thinks that is a fair balance of the books, it gives us a clear insight into another sociopath in charge of Labour.

The number of deaths alone including our own troops sent to fight for corporate interests is estimated at over a million people. Not to mention the eruption and displacement of millions, who even today are living under some of the harshest extremes of humanity, not excluding slavery and people trafficking but as Starmer says, at least Blair gave us a minimum wage…

Jeremy Corbyn’s 2010 Stop the war coalition speech touches on why we participated in these corporation wars: “Hundreds of British soldiers have died, hundreds of soldiers from other coalitions have died and thousands upon thousands of Afghanistan people have also died, for what, for whom for what purpose in the long run.

“I think the pentagon let the cat out the bag when they announced the levels of mineral deposits they had discovered in Afghanistan.”

“I think the Arms dealers of the world let the cat out of the bag when you realised what profits they made over the equipment sold in Afghanistan ”

war what is it good for

A total of 179 British Armed Forces personnel and Ministry of Defence civilians died serving during the Iraq campaign, while a further 457 were killed during deployment to Afghanistan.

UK service personnel withdrew from Afghanistan after 20 years in August, but the Taliban retook control of the country within a matter of days. It prompted the families of British soldiers to say they felt like their loved ones had laid down their lives for nothing. 

For all the Blairites that constantly list achievements made by New Labour the one thing that is always missing his the death toll Blair’s legacy left behind.

More than 387,000 civilians have been killed in the fighting since 2001.

Millions of people living in the war zones have also been displaced by war. The U.S. post-9/11 wars have forcibly displaced at least 38 million people in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria. This number exceeds the total displaced by every war since 1900, except World War II.

Blair officially resigned from his premiership in June of 2007 after ten years in office. He was subsequently confirmed as Middle East envoy for the United Nations, European Union, Russia, and United States. In 2008, he introduced a new plan for peace and Palestinian rights. Blair later resigned as envoy in 2015.

Blair also joined the private sector in the years after his premiership. He joined investment bank, JP Morgan Chase, in a senior advisory capacity, and advised Zurich Financial Services on issues related to climate change.

In 2008, Blair created the organisation Tony Blair Associates to provide strategic advice on politics and economics. However, he came under attack for conflicts of interest between this work and his role as a Middle East envoy.

Among his other private sector work, Blair launched the Tony Blair Sports Foundation to promote childhood participation in sports, and created the Tony Blair Faith Foundation to encourage an understanding of people of different religious backgrounds, and to work toward eradicating global conflict and poverty.  Later, in 2016, he launched the Tony Blair Institute to champion global change in organisations and governments.

Tony Blairs net worth is $60 million.

Petition: Tony Blair to have his “Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter” rescinded – Sign the Petition! Link

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