Labour Heartlands is a political blog bringing you News, views and opinions from the Left.
You can contact us at: contact@labourheartlands.com
Join our ‘Guest Authors, pitch your post ’
What is a pitch?
A pitch is a brief summary of your developed idea, that also explains why it works for that particular publication, why it’s relevant now, and why you’re the best person to write it.
Pitching your article: Good pitches follow a simple formula – a quick intro about yourself, Include a clear and concise top line that sums up the article, a couple of short paragraphs about the article you’d like to write. Links back to your own website if you have one.
If you are pitching news, make sure you title the story. Follow that with 100 words or so of context and background. This should be information that backs up your top line and helps to explain its significance.
Look at the style, tone, length of articles, how catchy their headlines are, and more. Imitate them the best you can so your story will seem like a good fit for our publication.
Unfortunately, we don’t have the capacity to reply to all the pitches we receive. If you don’t receive a reply within 24 hours, it’s fine to pitch it elsewhere – this won’t affect your chances of being published by us another time.
If you would like to submit an article please email: contact@labourheartlands.com