The MP’s that nominated Sir Starmer for the Labour Leadership are the same MP’s that voted for the Iraq war


‘An act of military aggression launched on a false pretext’ a ‘stain’ on the Labour Party

These were the words to describe one of the worst episodes in British history. Jeremy Corbyn tore into Tony Blair after the Chilcot report delivered a devastating verdict on the Iraq war.

The Labour leader said the invasion was an ‘act of military aggression launched on a false pretext’ and argued that it had been illegal.

In a second speech to activists and victims’ families, Mr Corbyn made a fulsome apology for Labour’s role in the conflict.

Mr Corbyn said: ‘There are no more important decisions a Member of Parliament ever gets asked to make than those relating to peace and war,’ he told MPs.

‘The very least that MPs and the country should be able to expect is rigorous and objective evidence on which to base their crucial decisions.

‘We now know that the House was misled in the run-up to the war and the House must now decide how to deal with it 13 years later, just as all those who took the decisions laid bare in the Chilcot Report must face up to the consequences of their actions, whatever they may be.’

So who do the MP’s that voted for the Iraq war back in this Leadership race?

Before Labour members place the vote for this leadership competition the membership should look very carefully at the candidates and who are backing them. From the Labour MP’s that voted on the Iraq war we can see who they are backing in the Labour Leadership contest.

Sir Starmer is the Warmongers candidate

ebb481fd starmer is the warmonger candidate 1

Out of 20 MP’s that voted on the Iraq war and nominated Sir Keir Starmer 19 are MP’s that voted for war or by absenteeism allowed the war, that 95% of of Iraq war voters who nominations Starmer are MP’s that can at best be described as parliamentarians with poor judgement or more honestly 95% of Sir Starmer’s old guard backers have no moral compose when it comes to war and allowed an illegal war to take place without due process and evidence being presented.

Labour Mp’s Backed Sir Starmer voted for the Iraq war

  • Margaret Beckett
  • Hilary Benn
  • Clive Betts
  • Ben Bradshaw
  • Nicholas Brown
  • Alan Campbell
  • Yvette Cooper
  • Wayne David
  • Geraint Davies
  • Maria Eagle
  • Angela Eagle
  • John Healey
  • George Howarth
  • David Lammy
  • Steve McCabe
  • Barry Sheerman
  • Mark Tami


  • Karen Buck
  • Alan Whitehead

Lisa Nanny is backed by 6 of the Iraq war voters were 4 voted for or allowed the war that’s 66% of the total.

Labour Mp’s Backed Lisa Nandy voted for the Iraq war

  • Jon Cruddas
  • Mark Hendrick
  • Derek Twigg


Kevin Brennan

In contrast Rebecca Long- Bailey is backed by 4 Iraq war voters 3 of which voted against the war.

Labour Mp’s Backed Rebecca Long- Bailey voted for the Iraq war

Barry Gardiner

Labour MP’s that opposed the Iraq war and voted for Rebecca Long- Bailey

  • Diane Abbott
  • John McDonnell
  • Jon Trickett

The main figures in the attempted coup against Corbyn’s leadership, both centre stage and behind-the-scenes, are unrepentant invaders, interveners and aggressors. Those that voted for the Iraq war. That is not just a matter of the votes in 2003 – many tried to sabotage Corbyn’s opposition to the bombing of Syria.

Their victory and their candidate Sir Keir Starmer would take Labour straight back to the neo-conservative agenda of Blair and his acolytes.

Despite her deficiencies in signing pledges presented by the Trans community and the BOD Long- Bailey is the best option to keep the Labour Party Left but more so to keep the UK out of illegal wars.

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