The Cats Out of the Bag: Huw Edwards, A Dead Cat’s Tale

Huw Edwards A Dead Cat’s Tale
The Cats Out of the Bag: Huw Edwards A Dead Cat’s Tale

Wife of Huw Edwards names him as BBC presenter at the centre of allegations

In a curious tale reminiscent of a proverbial dead cat, Huw Edwards, the well-known BBC presenter, has been named by his wife, Vicky Flind, in relation to allegations of payments for sexually explicit images.

The Metropolitan police recently announced that they found no evidence of a criminal offence committed by Edwards and would be ending their inquiries into the matter.

This in no way means the tale ends here…

As is often the case with such peculiar tales, they possess an uncanny ability to linger in the shadows, refusing to fade away. Even when the story itself unravels, revealing less than what initially meets the eye, its lingering presence persists like an eternal horde of zombie cats.

These phantom felines follow the protagonist, wreaking havoc upon personal relationships, friendships, and family ties, casting a shadow that seems to defy the passage of time.

zombie cat

Furthermore, the extensive media coverage and public attention that this story has garnered will undoubtedly pave the way for further accusations that demand substantiation.

Each new allegation, no matter how minor, will be amplified to mountainous proportions in the court of public opinion.

The relentless cycle of accusation and scrutiny is poised to cast a shadow over the future, as the spectre of ongoing investigations and potential revelations looms large.

Schrodinger’s cat

schrodingers cat

In the realm of Schrödinger’s cat, where the initial whispers give rise to a cacophony of speculation and scrutiny.

The consequences rippled go far beyond the immediate circumstances, often impacting the very fabric of the personal and professional lives of all involved none less than the BBC presenters right now, many of whom rushed forward with statements of deniability.

Vicky Flind’s disclosure of her husband’s name stands as a courageous act, potentially providing solace to other BBC presenters who have endured baseless accusations in recent days. It marks a pivotal moment and the first stride towards a resolution in this cat’s tale.

However, there is a flip side that comes after naming Huw Edwards. If there is substance to this tale hopefully it will now give others the courage to come forward, after all the cats out of the bag…

Is naming a good thing?


At this point, you have to consider if the police and CPS had named Jimmy Savile when first arrested.

It is plausible to consider that such transparency could have encouraged other victims to come forward, breaking the cycle of silence and preventing the sad saga of secrecy and cover-up from taking root.

By openly acknowledging the accusations against Savile at the time, and extending support to those who had already reported their experiences, the narrative could have unfolded quite differently. Offering reassurance and a safe space for victims to share their stories might have dismantled the structures that shielded Savile from accountability and perpetuated a culture of concealment.

The ramifications of such a course of action could have been significant, potentially preventing the proliferation of further harm and sparing countless individuals from enduring the pain and trauma inflicted by Savile.

How did we get here?

huew edwards
Huw Edwards is the presenter of the Ten O’Clock News

The media frenzy started after the Sun newspaper initially alleged that the presenter had made payments to a young person for explicit photos, which could potentially constitute a serious criminal offence.

  • The Sun publishes its first report on Friday 7 July, carrying a mother’s claims that an unnamed BBC presenter paid thousands to their 20-year-old child for explicit images over three years, starting when they were 17 – a potential criminal offence
  • Further allegations are published by the Sun newspaper on Saturday, and on Sunday, the BBC suspends a male member of staff, now known to be Edwards
  • On Monday: BBC executives meet with the Metropolitan Police, which starts work to assess evidence, and the 20-year-old mentioned in the first Sun story denies the claims through lawyers
  • On Tuesday: the Sun publishes further allegations that the presenter broke lockdown rules to visit a younger man, and other allegations of direct messages with someone under 18, as BBC News publishes claims of “menacing” messages to a person in their early 20s
  • On Wednesday: police confirm they assessed no evidence of criminal activity after speaking to people involved in the initial allegations, and the paused BBC investigation resumes
  • at the same time, Flind issues her statement confirming Edwards was the presenter involved and that he had been hospitalised after a serious mental health episode. Edwards intends to respond to the stories that have been published once he is able to, Flind’s statement said

Police investigations have concluded that there is no supporting evidence for this claim.

A spokesperson for the police stated that detectives from the Metropolitan’s specialist crime command had assessed the situation and found no grounds to indicate the commission of a criminal offence.

Sun ‘has no plans to publish further allegations’

The Sun has no plans to publish further allegations about Huw Edwards and will co-operate with the BBC’s internal investigation process, a spokesperson for the newspaper said.

At this stage it may be a good idea for the Sun to find itself a very good lawyer this certainly will end up with someone in the dock…

Vicky Flind Statement in full

Vicky Flind
via Huw Edwards, wife of talented television producer Vicky Flind

Vicky Flind’s statement on behalf of her husband, given to PA news agency, in full:

“In light of the recent reporting regarding the ‘BBC Presenter’ I am making this statement on behalf of my husband Huw Edwards, after what have been five extremely difficult days for our family.

“I am doing this primarily out of concern for his mental well-being and to protect our children.

“Huw is suffering from serious mental health issues. As is well documented, he has been treated for severe depression in recent years.

“The events of the last few days have greatly worsened matters, he has suffered another serious episode and is now receiving in-patient hospital care where he’ll stay for the foreseeable future.

“Once well enough to do so, he intends to respond to the stories that have been published.

“To be clear Huw was first told that there were allegations being made against him last Thursday.

“In the circumstances and given Huw’s condition I would like to ask that the privacy of my family and everyone else caught up in these upsetting events is respected.

“I know that Huw is deeply sorry that so many colleagues have been impacted by the recent media speculation. We hope this statement will bring that to an end.”

Met Police Statement

No offence committed – police
Detectives from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command have now concluded their assessment and have determined there is no information to indicate that a criminal offence has been committed.

In reaching this decision, they have spoken to a number of parties including the BBC and the alleged complainant and the alleged complainant’s family, both via another police force.

They say there is no further police action and as such, the Met has advised the BBC it can continue with its internal investigation.

The force says it is aware of media reporting of further allegations against the same individual. No specific details or information about these allegations have been passed to the force and therefore there is no police action at this time, the statement adds.

Should evidence of criminality or safeguarding issues be identified at any point we would expect matters to be referred to the relevant police force, it says.

BBC to ‘move forward’ with investigation

Two plus two equals five
“Two plus two equals five”

The BBC has released its own statement following the Met saying there is no evidence of a criminal offence:

“We have seen the statement from the police confirming they have completed their assessment and are not taking further action. We’re grateful to them for completing this work at speed.

“The police had previously asked us to pause our fact finding investigations and we will now move forward with that work, ensuring due process and a thorough assessment of the facts, whilst continuing to be mindful of our duty of care to all involved.”

Huw Edwards, 61, is a household name and one of the BBC’s best-known presenters.

Who is Huw Edwards

huw edwards bbc

Huw Edwards, 61, has been a prominent figure in the broadcasting industry for four decades, notably serving as the lead presenter on the BBC’s flagship Ten O’Clock News for two decades. Throughout his career, he has covered significant events such as royal weddings, jubilees, and the deaths of notable figures like Queen Elizabeth II and Nelson Mandela.

Edwards, who hails from Wales and is an honorary professor of journalism at Cardiff University, has openly discussed his struggles with depression. His wife, Vicky Flind, issued a statement on his behalf, expressing concerns about his mental well-being and the impact these recent events have had on their family.

In her statement, Vicky Flind said her husband Huw Edwards is “suffering from serious mental health issues” and is now “receiving in-patient hospital care where he will stay for the foreseeable future” as she asked for privacy for her family.

Amidst these challenging circumstances, Flind appeals for privacy for her family and everyone involved in this distressing situation. She emphasises that Edwards deeply regrets the impact of the media speculation on his colleagues and hopes that this statement will bring an end to the ongoing discussions.

  • He has worked for the BBC for four decades, including two decades as the lead presenter on the BBC’s flagship Ten O’Clock news
  • He has anchored many key moments, including the death and funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, the weddings of Prince William and Kate and of Prince Harry and Meghan, the Queen’s Diamond and Platinum Jubilees, the inauguration of US President Barack Obama and the death of Nelson Mandela
  • He was brought up in Wales and studied at Cardiff University where he is now an honorary professor of journalism
  • He is one of the BBC’s highest paid employees, earning between £435,000 and £439,999 for 2022/23
  • He lives in London with his wife and five children
  • Edwards has spoken out in the past about his struggles with depression
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