Labour Sells its Soul for the Corporations’ Shilling

Labour Sells its Soul
Labour Sells its Soul for the Capitalists' Shillings

Labour’s Faustian Bargain: From Blue-Collar Advocacy to Corporate Embrace

Once again the Labour frauds have betrayed their roots, as the tired old party slides further under the thumb of big business paymasters. As membership dwindles, corporate donations increasingly keep the wheezing operation afloat.

Labour’s spending totalled £44.45m, with the party’s income up 3.5% on 2021, despite constantly losing members.

When Starmer assumed leadership of the Labour Party, its membership, once a robust 523,332, dwindled to 432,213 by the close of December 2021. As 2022 drew to a close, the party’s ranks numbered 407,445 members, marking a decline from the preceding year and a staggering drop of nearly 125,000 from its recent peak in 2019 when it was led by Jeremy Corbyn.

As an aside, Labour’s staff costs fell by around £6m as the so-called Labour Party made a number of people redundant.

Sir Keir Starmer is steering Labour in the direction of “corporate donors and vested interests,” rebuffing the calls from party members and unions for pressing and popular initiatives such as public ownership.

The big question…Are we truly expected to believe this growing financial dependence will not bend the party’s policies to suit wealthy paymasters’ wishes? The professional dissemblers in Westminster seem eager to convince the masses this is merely pragmatic modernisation. Perhaps those not cowed by the jackboot of conformity will dare imagine otherwise.

Of course, no party worth its salt goes down without a retort. A party spokeswoman steps forth, defending the financial transformation as a mark of strength. A changed party, they claim, a party ready to forge a “better Britain.” The reality is more of the same a world of never-ending Tory governments of change shades Red or Blue.

They claim this strengthening of establishment ties will return them to power. A true opportunist puts power over principles. But what use is authority without a moral compass to guide it? Labour gains the world but loses its soul.

The muted leftist voices in Labour’s ranks lack the courage to admit this ugly truth. Feeble murmurs lament lost members, while ignoring the greater human cost – the millions betrayed as the party embraced right-wing orthodoxy to please its paymasters, Starmer and his cronies roll back on pledges to strengthen workers’ rights.

This all-too-predictable descent was assured from the moment Labour anointed Sir Keir as leader. Craving power above purpose, he has steered the party toward the barren wasteland of the corporate centre, dragging the whimpering liberal centrist rabble behind him.

The hardscrabble workers who built Labour’s foundations now face abandonment in the name of fashionable electability. The smug condescending metropolitan elites have seized the reins, eager to distance the party from its bothersome blue-collar base, eager to disassociate from what they see as the deplorable, and abandoned working class.

Soon bankers, hedge fund barons and other assorted spivs shall be honoured guests at Labour’s table, bending the party’s policies to suit their selfish interests. For now, the professional hypocrites claim fealty to workers’ causes, but it is double-talk to pacify what’s left of the Left.

Once safely enthroned, Labour’s new masters will gladly swap workers’ rights for a few more coins from the money men’s deep pockets. The regimented cadres who control candidate selections will ensure compliance from the backbenches.

Perhaps this Faustian bargain will return Labour to Downing Street but at the cost of its soul. The true left should flee this cynical charade while honour remains. When the pretence of principle is dispelled, history will not judge these power-hungry cynics kindly. The oligarchy has got its claws deep into what was once the Workers’ Party

In this ever-shifting political landscape, the decline of Labour’s membership and the ascent of corporate donations paint a complex portrait. A party that once stood as a beacon for the working class now echoes the interests of the privileged. The stage is set, the actors are in place, and the plot thickens. One thing is certain: as corporate coin flows in, the working-class heart of Labour beats a little fainter, a little quieter.

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