Thatcher’s Shadow: Starmer Shows his Tory Blue Beating Heart

Starmer Sparks Fury Invoking Thatcher as "Change Agent"

Starmer Triggers Outrage Praising Thatcher’s “Meaningful Change” Spitting on The Communities She Decimated.

In an inflammatory article bound to enrage Labour’s base, Sir Keir Starmer provocatively praised Margaret Thatcher for “unleashing entrepreneurialism” and bringing “meaningful change” as PM.

The Labour leader’s inverted historical revisionism triggered immediate disgust. Union leaders and activists decried Starmer’s servile fawning over an anti-working class leader who devastated communities nationwide.

To them, Thatcher’s toxic legacy was destroying industry, crushing the miners after their valiant 1984 strike against pit closures, and decimating manufacturing. Her policies brought “change” via mass unemployment and urban decay, not aspiration and empowerment.

By celebrating Thatcher’s neoliberal revolution, Starmer insults victims still suffering economic exclusion today thanks to her indifference towards labour in favour of City profits. He erases the pain of communities seeing livelihoods wiped out to enable under-regulated financial gambling.

Worse still, Starmer has the gall to invoke Attlee in the same breath. This consummate socialist founder of the NHS oversaw the exact public ownership and social housing programs Thatcher brutally dismantled.

The absurd incompatibility spotlights Starmer’s profound disconnect from the working-class priorities Attlee embodied. His comments reveal a London-centric party beholden now to free market dogma, not investment in communities for the common good.

In praising her class war waged through policies like the poll tax and crushing the miners, Starmer further exposes his inner contempt for the labour movement—no wonder he finds greater inspiration in Thatcher’s union-busting than Attlee’s nationalisation and emancipation of working people.


Should Starmer win office, he will struggle to inspire those sensing no substantive alternative to failed Tory economics promising only managed austerity under red banners.

With this profound insult, Starmer torches Labour’s remaining links to its socialist heritage. The party now stands remade as an elitist technocratic vessel for continued Tory governance, just with better PR packaging. It offers no meaningful alternative to ordinary citizens besides empty managerial tinkering at capitalism’s frayed edges.

The British people deserve real opposition offering solutions fit for unprecedented crises. But faux-leaders like Starmer guarantee only further managed decline, buoyed by mythologizing past tormentors like Thatcher as stewards of national renewal rather than calamity. Until Labour reconnects with its purpose of transforming unjust systems, it courts irrelevance pandering to the apostles of free market orthodoxy.

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