Brexit: The Red Wall’s Resolute Decision: Why Remain Failed in the Labour Heartlands and It Always Will.

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Brexit, Seven Years and Counting…

Regardless of the multitude of objections raised by Remainers, both genuine and spurious, the fundamental fact remains unchanged: people voted to leave the European Union.

It was not due to a bus promising a weekly contribution of £350 million to the NHS, a piece of propaganda that was debunked on the very day it emerged. Instead, the driving force behind the Brexit decision was the demand for democracy, accountability, and the restoration of sovereignty to the heart of Westminster, rather than in the distant corridors of Brussels.

I was not because some rich Torie wanted to dodge tax, again even fact checkers have kicked that lie into touch, notwithstanding the fact the EU has five countries designated Tax havens, no one ever had to leave the EU to dodge tax.

There are countless excuses every day fed by the elite and globalists tricking down to the gullible and naive as to why the people of Britain decided to leave the EU. From the economy to trade, again ignoring facts about how the Eurozone are in recession and the EU powerhouse Germany is faltering without cheap energy.

However, to pretend the people of the Labour Heartlands are worse off because of Brexit is to ignore the fact that while members of the EU these regions that voted to leave the EU became the poorest in Northern Europe while in the EU.

Why vote to remain when the consequences of the ever-expanding EU for the people residing in the Red Wall regions was more poverty.

It is ignored that from joining the EU onwards nine out of the ten poorest regions in northern Europe were located within the UK.

Reports from Inequality Briefing highlight the rapid industrial decline under Margaret Thatcher’s leadership as a significant factor in creating pockets of poverty within one of the world’s wealthiest economies, however, that decline accelerated from 1993 onwards, and year on year people in these regions became poorer.

Why would we ever vote to remain?

top 9 poorest regions northe europe

Regions, including West Wales, Durham and Tees Valley, and South Yorkshire, find themselves among the poorest areas in Europe. Inequality Briefing’s research also reveals that the income gap between the richest and poorest regions in the UK is the widest in the EU.

While inner London shines as the richest area in Northern Europe, it stands alone on that list.

Other research carried out by Inequality Briefing has found the gap between the richest and poorest region in the UK, in terms of disposable income, is the widest in the EU.

The findings reveal that the UK is highly dependent on London and its environs, with just one British region other than the capital – the south-east of England – having a GDP per capita in excess of the EU-15 average, meaning that just 27 per cent of the UK population live in regions wealthier than that EU average.

And far from catching up with the richer parts of the EU, the UK’s poor regions have fallen further behind.

Why vote to remain when the EU simply did not work for us…

jeremy corbyn eu support for aus

One would have to be as blind as a bat, or as stupid as a sheep, to believe that the European Union is a boon for the prosperity of the Red Wall regions. history had proved otherwise.

The evidence was all around us, in the decay of our once-thriving industries, the loss of our sovereignty and the erosion of our democracy. To vote for Remain was to vote for the status quo, for the continuation of this dismal experiment that has impoverished us and robbed us of our voice.

It was to vote against a flat Earth when we could plainly see that it was round. The only reasonable choice was to vote for Leave, to regain our independence and our respect, and to give ourselves an opportunity to influence our own future, a chance to shape our own destiny. The people of the Labour Heartlands looked in wonder at the lies, hypocrisy, and even the snobbery of the Remainers. We laughed at the fear-mongering, we had little, it would not be our loss we had all to gain.

When I saw how the European Union was developing, it was very obvious what they had in mind was not democratic. In Britain, you vote for a government so the government has to listen to you, and if you don’t like it you can change it.

Tony Benn

We voted for self-determination, like it or lump it.

The struggle for sovereignty is not confined to the realm of geopolitics; it is a battle that plays out within the hearts and minds of citizens. The rights entrusted to us by the democratic process are not commodities to be traded away lightly. They are the sacred embodiment of our collective voice, bestowed upon us by the people we represent. To relinquish these rights would be a theft of public trust, an affront to the very principles that underpin our democratic system.

Nobody articulates the reason for Brexit better than Michael Foot.

It is these points of democracy and accountability that hold true. The UK is a democracy and the true power is within the hands of the people.

“People didn’t fight for the vote just to have the fun of electioneering, they wanted to see that the vote that they used and the Ballot Box could change things, stop things, alter things, remove governments when necessary.

That’s one of the principal reasons for having a vote, but that’s not going to happen if we stay in the market, if we become enmeshed in the whole of their machinery and apparatus, because what will happen then is that you can go and have an election in this country, in which we vote out the government here, but you won’t be voting out all the governments that meet in Brussels to decide what’s going to happen to us!

It is that precious inheritance, given us by the people who fought for the right to vote, fought for the right to form trade unions, fought for the right to establish their own institutions, fought for the right to have an elected House of Commons which should be the supreme authority in this country and answerable to nobody else, it is those things that are at stake in this campaign. “

People wanted accountability people wanted self-determination. To know that when they voted their vote mattered.

The European Union, with its unelected Commission and unyielding legislation, presents a unique challenge to the democratic process. While governments can be replaced through elections, the European bureaucracy remains largely untouched, immune to the will of the people. This lack of accountability strikes at the core of democratic principles, undermining the very essence of popular sovereignty.

Stalwarts like Tony Benn, the issue went beyond the specificities of the EU debate. It highlighted a larger problem—a disconnect between the people and their elected representatives. Brexit, in all its complexity, exemplified this dissonance. The referendum brought to the fore a profound divide between the desires of the electorate and the actions of Parliament. The repercussions of this disconnect will reverberate long after the EU question is resolved, as it exposes a crisis of representation and raises fundamental questions about the future of democratic governance in the United Kingdom.

We, the proponents of Brexit, yearned for these three essential pillars to be brought back to the British Parliament. We refused to allow our democratic processes to be outsourced to an unelected commission or a toothless European Parliament, where representatives hold no power other than to rubber-stamp the directives dictated by the unelected commission.

This aspiration for democracy, accountability, and sovereignty echoes the sentiments expressed by Michael Foot in his influential speech, where he highlighted the true purpose of having the right to vote. Foot stated, “People didn’t fight for the vote just to have the fun of electioneering; they wanted to see that the vote they used and the ballot box could change things, stop things, alter things, remove governments when necessary.”

Remaining within the EU would have undermined this fundamental principle, as decisions impacting our nation would be made in Brussels by governments we did not elect. Despite holding elections in our own country and potentially voting out our own government, we would have been powerless to remove the collective of governments convening in Brussels to determine our fate.

These invaluable aspects of our democratic inheritance, painstakingly won by those who fought for the right to vote, form trade unions, and establish our own institutions, were at stake in the Brexit campaign. It is these principles that define our nation—a nation where the elected House of Commons should be the supreme authority, accountable to nobody but its own constituents.

It is vital to remember that those who now vehemently oppose the Tories conveniently forget that it was the Tories who took us into the European Economic Community (EEC) and eventually the EU. Conversely, it was the socialists and a significant majority of the Left who opposed this union.

The Tories vigorously campaigned to remain, spending millions on publications to persuade the public to vote in favour of continued EU membership. Nevertheless, let us not overlook the fact that the EU has always been, and continues to be, a right-wing free trade bloc.

Thatcher EU
How the free movement of capital across the EU led to the decimation of workers’ rights

Brexit symbolises the triumph of democracy, where the true power resides within the hands of the people. It is a resounding affirmation that our country, the United Kingdom, is a democracy that values the voices of its citizens above all else. Through Brexit, we reclaim our sovereignty and reassert our right to shape our own future, free from the entanglements of an external entity.

The only failure of Brexit is not a matter of logistics or pragmatism, but of a profound lack of vision and courage among the political class. The Westminster bubble has become a stagnant swamp of mediocrity and complacency, where no party dares to offer a bold and democratic alternative for the future of this country in the 21st century. The parliament is a poor reflection of the people it claims to represent, and a poor defender of their sovereignty and dignity.

No Brexit hasn’t failed are politicians have.

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