Zelensky Accused of Embezzling Millions from US Funding

Zelensky Accused of Embezzling Millions
Zelensky Accused of Embezzling Millions

Seymour Hersh Accuses Zelensky of Embezzlement

Biden administration and Congress have now set aside a similarly staggering $113 billion in American taxpayer funds for Ukraine in a conflict that has no end in sight.

The bill on the first anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s invasion confirms the U.S. is by far the world’s biggest contributor to Volodymyr Zelensky’s war effort – followed by the UK and European Union – and the White House has signalled support will continue.

But Americans are starting to wonder where the money goes, how it is being spent, and if the cost of the aid is worth it.

Public sentiment has started to drop, and Republicans are now warning they will audit all the money that has been sent to Kiev to make sure it hasn’t been wasted.

The Republican Party believes accelerated financial packages – similar to those approved during the COVID pandemic – are open to mismanagement or abuse.

This new Forever war is not a struggle between good and evil, but a racket of death that enriches the wealthy and powerful.

Paul Knaggs


This comes at a time when Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh accuses Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars allocated by the US for the purchase of fuel.

In his blog, Hersh claims that the Ukrainian government has been using American taxpayers’ funds to pay exorbitant prices for diesel fuel required by the Ukrainian army in its war with Russia and skimming off the top.

What was also unknown till now is that Zelensky has been buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, the claim is that the Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments.

One estimate by analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400 million last year, at least; another expert compared the level of corruption in Kiev as approaching that of the Afghan war. It was pointed out that while it is unclear how much the Zalensky government is paying per gallon for the fuel, the Pentagon was reportedly paying up to $400 per gallon to transport gasoline from a port in Pakistan into Afghanistan during the American war there.

CIA confronts Ukrainian president over alleged greed and corruption

The issue of corruption was raised with Zelensky in a meeting last January with CIA Director William Burns, who presented Zelensky with a list of thirty-five generals and senior officials whose corruption was known to the CIA and others in the American government.

According to Hersh, CIA Director William Burns’s message to the Ukrainian president, was acted out like a 1950s mob movie. Burns had told the Ukrainian president that senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, and that “he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.”

The ten officials Zelensky got rid of were brazenly bragging about the money they had—driving around Kyiv in their new Mercedes


Zelensky responded to the American pressure on corruption. Ten days later when he publicly dismissed ten of the most ostentatious officials on the list but did little else. “The ten he got rid of were brazenly bragging about the money they had—driving around Kiev in their new Mercedes,” the intelligence official told Hersh.

US Intelligence Community at Odds with White House Over Ukraine Strategy

Meanwhile, Hersh cites an intelligence official who claims that the lack of strategic planning with regard to Ukraine and the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines have caused a rift between the White House and the US intelligence community.

The alleged rift dates back to the covert operation last September to blow up Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines, a move that was purportedly ordered by President Joe Biden. However, the intelligence official said that “destroying the Nord Stream pipelines was never discussed or even known in advance by the community.” Another issue dividing the Biden administration and the intelligence community is the lack of planning on Ukraine. While the Pentagon is preparing for an end to the conflict, the White House lacks clarity on its policy in Ukraine.

This accusation against Zelensky is serious, especially given the ongoing conflict with Russia. If true, it would represent a betrayal of trust and a misuse of funds intended to support Ukraine’s defence.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Volodymyr Zelenskyy Panama-papers

Panama papers

Of course, this isn’t the first time Zelensky has been implicated in being corrupt, he was mentioned in the Panama papers, however, that was before everything corrupt and disturbing about Ukraine was shoved down the memory hole, to be ignored or forgotten, well at least for now while the US still have a use for him.

Ironically Volodymyr Zelenskyy started off as a Ukrainian actor who played the role of president of Ukraine for years on a popular national sitcom before launching a successful bid for the country’s actual presidency. Zelenskyy created a political party and named it after his television show, Servant of the People. He assumed office in May 2019, promising to root out the country’s endemic corruption — a mission, critics say has been marred by his links to some of Ukraine’s wealthiest and most powerful people.

In July 2019, Zelenskyy and then-President Donald J. Trump had a phone call about U.S. military aid, and the conversation led to Trump’s first impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives where he was accused of pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Biden family.

The Hunter Biden scandal involves allegations of corrupt business dealings and potential conflicts of interest involving the son of President Joe Biden. While some information has been released, the full extent of the scandal is yet to be fully unravelled.

Investigations are ongoing, with recent developments indicating a federal tax investigation into Hunter Biden. The scandal has the potential to impact the reputation of the incoming administration and may carry legal implications for Hunter Biden. Ultimately, it is still too early to determine the full extent of the scandal and its potential repercussions.

Truth is this all stinks and the public are seeing through the veils of deceit laid down to fool us.

The Ukrainian government must respond to these allegations and provide a transparent account of its use of American funds. The US government, meanwhile, must ensure that its aid is being used appropriately and that corrupt officials are held accountable. As Hersh notes, “the stakes are very high in Ukraine, and the future of the country hangs in the balance.”

The official said that while the White House lacks clarity on its policy in Ukraine, the Pentagon is somewhat optimistically preparing for an end to the conflict. Two months ago, the US Joint Chiefs tasked members of the staff with drafting an end-of-war treaty to present to the Russians “after their defeat on the Ukraine battlefield,” Hersh said, citing a source.

But it remains unclear what will happen if the Pentagon’s scenario goes wrong and Ukrainian forces fail on the battlefield: Will the two American brigades deployed close to the war zone “join forces with NATO troops and face off with the Russian army inside Ukraine?” Hersh asks… For God’s sake, we hope not…

The UK government has supported Ukraine with various forms of aid and assistance, including military equipment and financial aid. However, it’s unclear if the UK has conducted audits of these supplies to ensure their proper use. Some critics have raised concerns that the aid may be diverted or misused by corrupt officials. Without proper auditing, it is impossible to determine if the funds and weapons sent by the UK are being used for their intended purpose. Additionally, it puts the UK’s credibility at risk if these concerns were to be proven true. It is important for the UK to take measures to ensure that their aid is being used appropriately, and to promote transparency and accountability in the use of these resources.

By Paul knaggs.

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