Labour’s Last Leader doing what the ‘New Leader’ won’t: Jeremy Corbyn calls for Hancock to be replaced.

Jeremy Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn IMAGE REUTERS Copyright fair use

Jeremy Corbyn calls for Matt Hancock to be replaced.

Jeremy Corbyn asked Boris Johnson to end the scandal of privatisation and outsourcing in our NHS – and to replace the Health Secretary after he was found to have broken the law by failing to reveal contracts worth billions of pounds.

Boris Johnson should sack Matt Hancock and replace him with “somebody who will obey the law”, Jeremy Corbyn has said.

Intervening in parliament on Monday, the former Labour leader said that “answers are required from the prime minister” over lawbreaking around the awarding of NHS contracts.

In contrast even after the ‘High court verdict that found Matt Hancock guilty of acting unlawfully by failing to publish multibillion-pound Covid-19 government contracts within the 30-day period required by law Sir Keir Starmer, refused to call for Matt Hancock resignation.

Asked directly live on Sofie Ridge and to the shock and dismay of many Labour supporters Sir Keir Starmer said:

“he would not call for Mr Hancock to resign over the court ruling, saying it was “not what the public really want to see”.

Corbyn took the time to ask the questions making the case for removing the ‘Health secretary Matt Hancock’, rightly so. However, in the case of Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of her majesty’s opposition, to use the excuse that Hancock must remain because we are in the middle of a pandemic and to pretend he is speaking for the public and in the public interest as Sir Keir Starmer did yesterday is either kidding himself or trying to kid the public.

Notwithstanding the fact, this is public money being unlawfully distributed without due diligence or the scrutiny that the law requires. It is hard to believe that any member of the public would be pleased with this wanton abuse and acts of cronyism of public money pandemic or not. Unless of course, Sir Keir Starmer feels the health secretary has done an exemplary job and the deaths of over 120,000 people were not avoidable and that money was well spent.

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