Zionist Militancy Birthed Israel, Yet It Cries ‘Terror’ as European States Begin to Recognise Palestine

Palestine protest
"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." Steve Biko 1946–77 South African anti-apartheid campaigner

A Blood-Drenched Legacy Undermines Israel’s Moral Stance

The brazen hypocrisy of the Israeli regime smoulders like an acrid cloud over its latest outburst of self-aggrandising indignation. How dare the renegade nations of Spain, Malta, Slovenia and Ireland even contemplate recognising Palestinian statehood? Why, this “rewards terrorism” howls Israel’s mendacious mouthpiece, Lior Haiat, as if Israel was not birthed in such violence.

In an official statement, Israel accuses Spain, Malta, Slovenia and Ireland of offering ‘a reward for terrorism’

Israel’s foreign ministry spokesperson Lior Haiat has said that Spain, Malta, Slovenia and Ireland are offering “a reward for terrorism” with a joint statement about their readiness to recognise a Palestinian state.

In a statement issued on Friday, the four countries said:

“We are agreed that the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region is through implementation of a two-state solution, with Israeli and Palestinian States living side-by-side, in peace and security.”

“We discussed together our readiness to recognise Palestine and said that we would do so when it can make a positive contribution and the circumstances are right.”

In a response today, Lior Haiat, Spokesperson of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs said:

“The recognition of a Palestinian state following the 7 October massacre sends a message to Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations that murderous terror attacks on Israelis will be reciprocated with political gestures to the Palestinians.”

“The only way to fight Palestinian terrorism is to unequivocally condemn Hamas for the war crimes, crimes against humanity and sexual crimes that it committed during the 7 October attack and continues to commit, and to issue an explicit call for the release of all the hostages.”

“A resolution of the conflict will only be possible through direct negotiations between the parties. Any engagement in the recognition of a Palestinian state only distances reaching a resolution and increases regional instability.”

“Israel has repeatedly insisted that the only way progress towards a two-state solution can be made is by direct talks between Israel and Palestinian authorities that it recognises. Palestinians have argued that this effectively grants Israel a veto over statehood. Israel has occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem since 1967.”

Israel’s Bloody Origins Expose Its Hollow Outrage

You can near choke on the stinking irony, it’s doublespeak – an attempt to shove all before down the memory hole. For Israel itself was conceived amidst the fires of unrelenting Jewish terrorism against British colonial forces and civilians alike.

Israel’s moral stance is tainted when you consider the so-called saintly figures of Begin, Shamir and their Irgun cohorts orchestrated their own beatific campaign of bombings, shootings and massacres that paralleled the brutal methods they now denounce from Hamas.

While none should condone the attacks of October 7th, we must be clear-eyed that terror only begets terror, in an endless cycle, breeding fresh monsters from the hot crucible of bloodshed and reprisal.

In truth, this land has been riven by a terrible litany of monsters since the days Joshua’s Israelites first descended, sword in hand, upon their so-called “promised” land. From Philistines to Babylonians, Romans to Egyptians, Crusaders to Ottomans – the history of this ravaged tierra has been one long, brutal jeremiad of invasion, dispossession and ethnic cleansing.

Deportation of the Jews to the Babylonian captivity
Deportation of the Jews to the Babylonian captivity by Eduard Bendemann (1811 – 1889).

In modern history, the ghosts of the Deir Yassin abattoir cry out, as do the untold thousands of innocents slaughtered under that tender “homeland” pretext. All cheered on, lest we forget, by the terrorist golems Haganah and Lehi, who would later transmogrify into Israel’s vaunted “Defence” Forces.

Yet for raising even the prospect of recognising a Palestinian state in the charred ruins of its people’s existence, these few brave European nations are now accused of “engaging” with terror. How they must tremble at the calumnies flung by the off-duty heirs of Menachem Begin!

Let’s speak plainly, shall we? Those with a memory longer than a gnat’s are all too aware of how the Israeli regime was birthed – through the blood-drenched colonial fanaticism of militant separatist groups whose ferocious campaign of violence against British and Arab civilians foreshadowed all that was to follow.

Zionist terrorist groups attacked with impunity not just military targets but also civilians in the 1940s.

The Haganah bombed the Christian owned Semiramis Hotel
The Haganah bombed the Christian-owned Semiramis Hotel in the Katamon neighbourhood of Jerusalem in January 1948. Leaders hoped the attack might force Arabs out of the quarter and change the psychological climate in the city. The explosion killed 26 civilians including at least one child and the Spanish vice-consul. (UNIVERSAL HISTORY ARCHIVE/UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP VIA GETTY IMAGES)

Israel was born of Terrorism -In October 1945, Jewish underground groups simultaneously targeted colonial railways, oil refineries and police boats in Palestine. That marked the beginning of a two-year period of Jewish insurgency against both the British and Palestinians.

In July 1946, Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, where the British administration headquarters were located, killing 92 people.

“[Robert] Asprey, [Menachem] Begin and [Samuel] Katz indicate that the King David was blown up for two reasons, to retaliate for the British attack on the Jewish Agency and to destroy the secret documents which would have linked the Jewish Agency and [David] Ben- Gurion to Haganah terrorism,” Peeke wrote.

Ben Gurion was the president of the Jewish agency from 1935 until the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948, playing a crucial role in Haganah activities. Later, Gurion became Israel’s first prime minister.

The shockwaves of grotesqueries like Deir Yassin, where Jewish militants massacred hundreds of Palestinian innocents, echo down through the decades to today’s cyclical immiseration of Gaza. What perverse gall, then, for Israel to cast itself as the affronted sovereign when even the smallest gestures of recognition are made towards the Palestinians.

Is it not Israel which perpetrates a remorseless campaign of annexation, dispossession and blockade against a people trapped in history’s largest open-air prison? Yet with unblinking arrogance, it declares any move to grant Palestinians the merest shred of legitimacy to be a “reward for terror” – the hobgoblin of anti-Semitism doubtless lurking in the wings.

No, the true terror is that of Zionist ethnic cleansing, an abomination to which no free nation should lend any credence or succour. Only when this original sin of indiscriminate violence, land theft and uprooting is acknowledged and atoned for can there be any progress towards a just accommodation with the Palestinian Arabs.

Otherwise, all chatter of Israeli righteousness is just so much ash scattered upon the winds of Gaza’s ceaseless immiseration. For what Israel reviles as terror comes in the face of a wretched people’s cry for recognition amidst the endless desolation wrought by 76 years of colonial arrogance and belligerence. It mocks the very notion of Judaic ethics to scorn it so.

Every child with their tear stained cheeks left standing in the rubble of what once was Gaza will tomorrow become the product of violence, reaping their revenge and the cycle will repeat.

“This unholy land needs peace and reconciliation, not more damnation.”

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