This adorable little girl was used by Ireland’s state run tv station to promote the “Pfizer” Covid vaccine.


We are not anti-vaxxers but somewhere along the line you have to call out what’s wrong and this is not just wrong, it’s disturbing…

This little girl was used by RTÉ Ireland’s National Television and Radio Broadcaster to promote the “Pfizer” Covid vaccine.

The script had her knock her toy dog out with a hammer because he wasn’t participating. She checked he was still alive then she jabbed him BANG!

No matter where you stand on Covid this helps no one.

This cannot be ethical to use children like this. Drugs and vaccines come with risks and only administered after informed consent is given. Children cannot consent. In Ireland, promotion of any drug in the media is against the law unless the Minister for Health approves it in the case of vaccination.

Ireland is to get more than 2m doses of Pfizer Covid vaccine if approved, however, Chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said officials needed to see reliable data made available to regulators and published in the scientific literature. “We’re hopeful but it’s certainly not a time for celebration,” he said, adding that people needed to stick to the basic public health measures.

How anyone feels its a good idea to promote an unapproved vaccine like this beggars’ belief.

The Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland are just as compressive as anywhere else in the western world. This sort of messaging seems to way out of line and completely contrary to the standards and practices laid out by the authorities.

This is what feeds the conspiracies

If the program message was to elevate any concerns it seems to be quite counterintuitive, causing outrage on Twitter adding to a growing army concerned people and conspiracies’ many able to grow due to poor information from Government and officials.


What laws and codes of practice govern the advertising of medicinal products in Ireland?

6.2 Is it possible to advertise prescription-only medicines to the general public? If so, what restrictions apply?

The Regulations prohibit the advertisement of prescription-only medicines or controlled drugs which are “directed wholly or mainly at members of the general public”. This does not apply to the promotion of a vaccination campaign in respect of a vaccine or serum, provided the campaign is approved by the Minister. The BAI Code prohibits commercial communications specifically concerned with products available only on prescription. LINK

Children: For the purposes of the Code, a child is someone aged under 18.


Marketing communications addressed to children should not exploit the loyalty, credulity, vulnerability or lack of experience of children. For example:

(a) They should not be made to feel inferior or unpopular for not buying an advertised product.

(b) They should not be made to feel that they are lacking in courage, duty or loyalty if they do not buy or do not encourage others to buy a particular product.

(c) Marketing communications should not undermine the authority, responsibility or judgement of parents, guardians or other appropriate authority figures. Marketing communications should not include any appeal to children to persuade their parents or other adults to buy advertised products for them.

(d) A product that is part of a series should be clearly indicated as such and marketing communications should include the method of acquiring the series.5.7

Marketing communications addressed to children:

(a) should not feature products that are unsuitable for those children;

(b) should not exaggerate what is attainable by an ordinary child using the product and should not make it difficult to judge the actual size, characteristics and performance of any product advertised;

Many people have made complaints using the Broadcast complaints website.

Information on how to make a complaint concerning broadcast content is set out HERE

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