Jeremy Corbyn: Caretaker government to block ‘no-deal’ Brexit. RSVP

Jeremy Corbyn: Caretaker government to block ‘no-deal’ Brexit. RSVP

Jeremy corbyn wants to oust Boris Johnson so he can head a “strictly time-limited” caretaker government.

In a letter to party bosses and other senior backbench MPs, Corbyn said he would “seek the confidence of the House [of Commons] for a strictly time-limited temporary government.”

Corbyn wrote to the Westminster leaders of the Liberal Democrats, the Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party, which are all supportive of a second EU referendum, urging them to back him as a temporary premier after a vote of no confidence.

He also wrote to Tory backbenchers Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin, Nick Boles and Caroline Spelman, who have been plotting to block a no-deal departure.

The Labour leader said their priority “should be to work together in parliament to prevent a deeply damaging no-deal being imposed on the country, denying voters the final say.”

“This government has no mandate for no-deal, and the 2016 EU referendum provided no mandate for no-deal. I therefore intend to table a vote of no confidence at the earliest opportunity when we can be confident of success,” Corbyn wrote.

He promised to secure an extension to the Article 50 Brexit process and call an election, in which Labour would campaign for a second referendum with an option of staying in the EU.

Jeremy Corbyn plans to block a no-deal Brexit by appealing to Conservative MPs to install him as “temporary” prime minister.

With less than 80 days to go until the 31 October deadline, the Labour leader is urging parties across parliament to oust Boris Johnson in a vote of no confidence.

If he is successful, those who voted against the PM could form a government of national unity.

Jeremy Corbyn vowed that – if he ascends to power – he will delay Brexit, call a snap general election and campaign for another referendum with the option to Remain.

John McDonnell MP tweeted: “Jeremy has offered the surest way to prevent a No-Deal Brexit. Any opposition party leader or MP rejecting this offer will carry the responsibility for allowing a No Deal disaster and will never be forgiven.”


The Lib Dems

Pro-austerity, pro-fracking and pro-privatisation Lib Dem leader, Jo Swinson, said: “Corbyn is “not the person who is going to be able to build an even temporary majority in the House of Commons for this task.”

“I would expect there are people in his own party and indeed the necessary Conservative backbenchers who would be unwilling to support him. It is a nonsense,” she added.

Roughly translated her remarks boiled down to if there is no personal political gain fro her and in extension the Lib dems she has no interest in a real possibility of stopping a no-deal Brexit. Jo Swinson more pro-Tory than anti-Brexit.

Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner criticised Ms Swinson for saying she wouldn’t support a Corbyn-led government, accusing her of “political point-scoring”.

“Our leader is Jeremy Corbyn and she should respect his title as the official opposition”, she tweeted.

“When you’re looking at no-deal Brexit and our country in peril, to say ‘I’m not working with him because I don’t like him’ is a very childish thing to do”.

The Tories

It is a simple workable stop ‘no-deal’ Brexit plan, Boris Johnson sits on a very precarious throne, his Party has a majority on paper of one. We know that the Tories are not only split but in the midst of a civil war members of the Tory party are openly hostile to any form of Brexit and Boris Johnson as the arvinger of doom.

Also receiving the letter were Tory MPs Dominic Grieve, Sir Oliver Letwin and Dame Caroline Spelman, and Nick Boles, the independent MP who quit the Tory Party over Brexit.

Responding on Thursday, they said they were happy to support cross-party work to block no deal and meet Mr Corbyn and MPs from other parties in the coming weeks.

Many Tory backbenchers and some independents are likely only to be willing to back a centrist candidate and not a current party leader for the job of leading a temporary government, if they can oust Boris Johnson by winning a vote of no confidence.

Anna Soubry, the leader of the Independent Group for Change (formerly Change UK), told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Thursday: “I would not support a government of national unity that is led by Jeremy Corbyn for all manner of reasons.

“One, because I don’t think it’s genuine, secondly because it is not going to deliver a people’s vote, which is the only way through the chaos; and, of course, he doesn’t command support or respect in his own political party, never mind across the parliamentary divide.”

The Totnes MP Sarah Wollaston, who announced she was joining the Lib Dems on Wednesday night, said her new party leader was being “realistic” in not supporting Corbyn and said the Labour leader “won’t find the support of the Commons”.

She said, instead, that none of the party leaders should lead a temporary government, saying a “trusted figure” such as Ken Clarke or Hilary Benn would be better.

She added: “I think it should probably be none of the party leaders that head that temporary arrangement, if that’s where we get to. I think having a trusted figure that commands cross-party support would be much better for that very temporary arrangement if, indeed, that is one of the ways we go forward.”

The Greens

Green MP Caroline Lucas welcomed Mr Corbyn’s call for a vote of no confidence but insisted a referendum must be held before any general election

The Greens are more concerned with stopping Brexit at all cost they no longer campaign on the environment issues leaving that to the much more successful 16 year old Greta Thunberg.

Caroline Lucas has dropped all pretence at acting out any form of democracy admitting even if there was a second referendum and the result was not one of remain she would not accept that result.

Now she proposes her own form of National unity government one consisting of all-female, all-white. she later in a post on Facebook she wrote: “An all-white list of women isn’t right. I should have reached out further and thought more deeply . . . I apologise.”


Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the SNP would “work with anyone at Westminster to try stop Brexit, and avert the catastrophe of a no-deal Brexit.”

“I’m not a great fan of Jeremy Corbyn, but we won’t rule out any option if it helps to avert what is a looming catastrophe over no-deal Brexit,” she said.

“I think the thing for Jeremy Corbyn though is he has to finally and firmly come off the fence on Brexit and stop trying to equivocate and prevaricate.”

Ian Blackford, Westminster leader of the SNP — Parliament’s third-biggest party — said he’d be pleased to meet with Corbyn at the “earliest opportunity to work together.”

obviously an implementation of a 2nd referendum on the EU membership by Westminster, no matter what Party or Parties gives ‘Carte blanche’ to a second Scottish indyref. A second referendum could lead to the breakup of the Union.

Plaid Cymru

Plaid Cymru’s always game for a party,  Westminster leader Liz Saville Roberts said that while she welcomed any attempt to thwart a no-deal Brexit, Labour’s leadership “cannot command the confidence of the House of Commons.”

She welcomed any attempt to stop no-deal but said it was “disappointing” that Mr Corbyn would not commit to calling a referendum before an election

The Labour party

Can Jeremy Corbyn get the support needed from within the Labour Party? Tom Watson although he says he is a remain second referendum advocate has an history of both opposing Jeremy corbyn and flip-flopping on issues. it was Tom Watson who pushed for a referendum in the first place. 

Watson has announced he would rather work in an alliance with the pro-austerity, pro-fracking and pro-privatisation Lib Dem leader, Jo Swinson, than pursue a general election to install Jeremy Corbyn in Downing Street

There are a number of Labour Party MP’s who are willing to stop a No-deal Brexit but not at the cost of stopping Brexit. these Labour heartlands MP’s

Labour MP Sarah Champion: “the country wants us to leave, and for our democracy, I think we have to leave. So therefore, if it came to it, I would take no deal if that meant we could leave.”

10 Labour Heartlands MPs ‘Ready To Back No-Deal Rather Than No Brexit At All’

Hitting out at Labour MPs pressing for a second referendum, Lewell-Buck said:

“I just think that if you keep trying to frustrate Brexit then we will never have a Labour government in the future. We have to keep our eyes on the prize.”

Labour MP Caroline Flint said we had a referendum the result should be respected she would rather the UK Leave on a clean break of NO-DEAL than revoke Article 50.

In what appeared to be a pre-emptive response to the appeal from Corbyn, Johnson earlier on Wednesday accused him of wanting to “cancel the referendum and argue about Brexit for years.”

He said on Twitter: “I am committed to leading our country forward and getting Britain out of the EU by October 31.”

A Downing Street spokesman said there is a “clear” choice: “Either Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister, who will overrule the referendum and wreck the economy, or Boris Johnson as prime minister, who will respect the referendum and deliver more money for the NHS and more police on our streets.

“This government believes the people are the masters and votes should be respected, Jeremy Corbyn believes that the people are the servants and politicians can cancel public votes they don’t like.”

Anti-Brexit parties are reportedly set to meet on Thursday to discuss how to maximize their support across the country.

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