Janner and Proctor demand Labour suspend Tom Watson over Operation Midland role

Janner and Proctor demand Labour suspend Tom Watson over Operation Midland role

It is clear he used the issue of child sexual abuse to promote his position within The Labour Party to Deputy Leader.

Harvey Proctor has written to the Labour Party urging them to suspend Tom Watson over his role in the Operation Midland scandal, as he revealed he has received death threats following the conviction of fantasist Carl Beech.

In a letter to the Party’s general secretary, Jenny Formby, the former Tory MP accused Mr Watson of breaching Labour’s membership code and also bringing the party into disrepute.

Mr Watson has been widely criticised after it emerged he met Beech in Westminster and him to go to the police with claims he had been abused by a VIP paedophile group.

Mr Proctor accused Labour’s deputy leader of using the issue of child sexual abuse to promote his own interests and said he had used parliamentary privilege to infer the existence of a Westminster paedophile ring. 

He is demanding that the West Bromwich East MP is suspended while a Labour Party investigation is carried out into his conduct, but has also threatened to stand against him in the seat at the next election if the matter is not resolved.

Watson bringing The Labour Party into disrepute

In his letter to the Labour Party, which has been seen by the Telegraph, Mr Proctor wrote:

I write to ask that you consider suspending Mr Tom Watson, MP  from The Labour Party for acts likely to bring The Labour Party into disrepute.

“As you will be aware he has closely associated himself with Mr Carl Stephen Beech “Nick” within Operation Midland both before and during the investigation by the Metropolitan Police Service. It is clear he used the issue of child sexual abuse to promote his position within The Labour Party to Deputy Leader.

“I would like to strongly suggest that Mr Watson’s conduct in relation to both the method he employed, and the public manner in which he used parliamentary privilege to infer the existence of a ‘Westminster paedophile ring’ and at the “heart of ‘Downing Street’, breached the standards set in your code of conduct.”

Mr Proctor is threatening to stand against Tom Watson at the next election

Mr Proctor said despite the outcry, Mr Watson had refused to apologise to any of Beech’s victims, including Field Marshal Lord Bramall, and the late Lord Brittan’s wife, Diana.

In a statement following Beech’s conviction, Mr Watson said he had only met him once and said at that meeting “[He] said very little and did not name any of his alleged abusers”.

Mr Watson added: “It was not my role to judge whether victims’ stories were true. I encouraged every person that came to me to take their story to the police and that is what I did with Nick.”

Mr Proctor, who was falsely accused of abusing, torturing and even murdering children, by Beech has revealed that he has received sinister messages on social media since the trial ended.

In one message a threat was made to “take him out”, prompting him to report the matter to Northumbria Police.

A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: “We can confirm we received a report of malicious communication. Enquiries were carried out by officers but the victim did not want to pursue any formal criminal action.”

He is demanding that the West Bromwich East MP is suspended while a Labour Party investigation is carried out into his conduct, but has also threatened to stand against him in the seat at the next election if the matter is not resolved.


Taking up the call for watson to take some responsibility the son of the late Labour peer Lord Janner states…

Tom Watson ‘must hang head in shame’ for whipping up panic over fake Westminster VIP paedophile ring, says Janner

The son of the late Labour peer Lord Janner has called on Tom Watson to step down as deputy leader of the party, accusing him of “whipping up a moral panic” over the false allegations of sexual abuse made against his father.

Daniel Janner QC claimed Labour’s deputy leader was “primarily responsible” for creating a furore around the “extremely hurtful” accusations.

He was speaking outside Newcastle Crown Court ahead of the sentencing of Carl Beech, who falsely accused a string of high-profile figures – including Greville Janner – of being part of a Westminster paedophile ring.

“Tom Watson is primarily responsible for whipping up a moral panic,” said Mr Janner. “So he should hang his head in shame, and he should resign.

For him to take the moral high ground in the Labour Party against antisemitism is completely hypocritical.


Lord Janner served as a Labour MP in Leicester between 1970 and 1997. He died in December 2015 after a period of suffering from dementia, at a time when Beech’s allegations were still under investigation.

Tom Watson

Tom Watson claimed he met Beech to offer him reassurance on behalf of the police (Getty)

His family has always maintained his innocence, with Mr Janner saying on Friday: “We were looking after a man who had dementia and was weeks from death when these allegations came out.

It was an extremely hurtful and very sad period in our lives, but we’re moving on.

He also criticised the Metropolitan Police, who investigated Beech’s claims, after a senior detective at one stage described them as “credible and true”.

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