Defend the Right to Strike: RMT calls for mass mobilisation against anti-worker bill

defend the right to strike
defend the right to strike!

Defend the Right to Strike! Protest the Government.

This Monday, the government will try to ram through its new anti-strike law.

The law targets frontline workers – from nurses and paramedics to firefighters and rail workers – threatening to take away their right to strike.

And if workers don’t accept its terms, they face the sack.

Trades unionists from across the labour movement will descend on Parliament tonight, to protest at the Minimum Service Levels bill.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: “The government has decided to bring in this anti-worker law because it wants to make effective strike action illegal in Britain.

“Trades unionists and democrats from across the political spectrum must come together in the interests of civil liberties and human rights to oppose these measures.

“This violation of democratic norms and values will be strongly opposed by the RMT and the entire labour movement, in Parliament, the courts and the workplace, if it is put on the statute books.”

productivity is profit
If you are unable to withdraw your labour you are essentially a slave.
Always remember: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Your Productivity is our profit.”
#SupportTheStrikes #JoinAUnion

PROTEST: Defend the Right to Strike!

10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA, United Kingdom

TODAY FROM 18:00-21:00

London protest- Jan 16

Time: from 6 pm
Location: Montgomery Statue opposite 10 Downing St

Mick Lynch, RMT
Dave Ward, CWU
Jo Grady, UCU
Matt Wrack, FBU
Jordan Rivera, NHS Workers Say NO!
Zarah Sultana MP
Paul Nowak, General Secretary of the TUC

Find out more here

Notes: For more information on the protest click here. (

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