I stand with Chris Williamson: Watson and his vigilante’s must go.

Tom Watson running his own agenda


The Labour deputy leader, Tom Watson, and 90 of the party’s MPs and peers have demanded that Jeremy Corbyn withdraw the whip from Chris Williamson in the escalating row about antisemitism.

Watson is the lead signatory claiming on behalf of the Labour Party and stating to Jeremy Corbyn that “We cannot overstate the depth and breadth of hurt and anger” at the readmission of the Derby North MP against the advice of the officials after Williamson had suggested the party was “too apologetic” about antisemitism.

“It is clear to us that the Labour party’s disciplinary process remains mired by the appearance of political interference. This must stop. We need a truly independent process,” the statement said.

“We call on Jeremy Corbyn to show leadership by asking for this inappropriate, offensive and reputationally damaging decision to be overturned and reviewed.

Watson whats Party rules breaking to remove Chris Williamson by demanding the Party leader removes the whip.

“Ultimately, it is for Jeremy Corbyn to decide whether Chris Williamson retains the Labour whip. He must remove it immediately if we are to stand any hope of persuading anyone that the Labour party is taking antisemitism seriously.”

c4d84987 watson poision letter
A who’s who of the Anti Corbyn brigade.

We counter Watson’s letter with one of our own.

We the Labour party members and supporters, cannot overstate how hurt and angry we feel about the renewed attacks on Chris Williamson, and indirectly on Jeremy Corbyn, by Tom Watson and the 90 other so-called Labour Parliamentarians and Peers.
It is clear that Watson has never had any desire to unite the party, or any intention to respect the mandate that he was elected on. His words and actions consistently betray his real intention which is to create friction within the membership.

It is clear that Watson never had any desire to unite the Party the one mandate he was elected on. He not only failed to unite but he has exacerbated the divisions. This has been shown through both his actions and words. It seems that his one true aim is to create division,chaos and bring down the ‘Corbynista’ movement. In the words of Len McCluskey

There is another world in our movement, alas. A world of skulduggery, smears and secret plots.

That is where you will find Tom Watson.

When Labour has needed loyalty he has been sharpening his knife looking for a back to stab. When unity is required, he manufactures division.”

McCluskey said Watson “has form as long as his arm” when it comes to political plots. “[Watson] is a product of the manipulative and authoritarian culture of the old trade union right wing, for whom power was an end in itself, and all means acceptable to attain it,he said.

Watson wants a pound of flesh! (See end of the article)

Watson’s fresh attack uses Chris Williamson as a convenient tool to create more chaos within the party, more skulduggery, smears and secret plots and with him, he brings the dregs of the Blairites all signatories on his poison letter.

No punishment would ever be enough for some people.

Chris Williamson presented himself in front of a panel authorised to adjudicate on his alleged rule breaking. The panel carried out their duty, and the decision was taken to reinstate him as the Labour Party MP for North Derbyshire.

Without doubt, members, supporters and the wider public have all learnt valuable lessons from this incident. Chris Williamson has apologised, and accepted his punishment. We have the opportunity to move forward and concentrate our efforts in bringing down this toxic Tory Government, but instead, in a blatant act of defiance and disrespect against the judgement of the NEC panel, Tom Watson and associates appear intent on sowing further division.

Instead in a blatant act of disrespect to the judgement by the panel and even an assertion to the NEC panel’s honour, Watson shows not only disregard along with the 90 Blairites who want to see some sort of sick play where a friend must denounce a friend or suffer the consequences. They really want to see Jeremy Corbyn publicly shame, denounce and cast out Chris Williamson, probably Corbyn’s staunchest support or as they say a fellow traveller;

Let the people judge carry out a trigger vote, and deselect

There is a another plot that can be carried out in this Machiavellian play, one where all the people get to choose. One where the people become the judges and proclaim who is right and wrong! A democratic mob rule via the trigger ballot.

We call on each and every constituent from the CLPs represented by the signatories of the poison pen letter to carry out a trigger vote, and deselect these trouble making MPs. Now is the time for reconciliation, we need to move forward. Yet these MPs have deliberately brought the Labour Party into disrepute once again, hindering our progress. Their refusal to accept the verdict of the NEC panel is an insult not just to the panel, but to the entire Labour Party.

Again diverting away from a collapsing Tory Party to make the Labour Party appear nothing but a shambolic organisation. It is just a shame we cannot remove the Labour Peers who have signed this letter or at least not yet!

Their refusal to accept the verdict of the NEC panel is an insult and attack on not only the panel but the Labour Party itself. Their actions should result in deselection allowing the Labour Party to continue in its journey of unity and solidarity a together fighting for the many, not the few!

By sharing this article you agree to the sentiment of the letter



Some on twitter have suggested my use of the term ‘Watson wants a pound of flesh!’ is a anti-semitic trope. I am sure it is in your world but in mine it is just a saying directed at anyone no matter their race creed or colour who acts unreasonably on a point of legality.

I pondered the use of the expression but I found it more than apt in its currant meaning and form: ‘noun something that is one’s legal right but is an unreasonable demand (esp in the phrase to have one’s pound of flesh)

Pound of flesh

What’s the meaning of the phrase ‘Pound of flesh’?

Something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back.

What’s the origin of the phrase ‘Pound of flesh’?

This of course derives from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, 1596. The insistence by Shylock of the payment of Antonio’s flesh is the central plot device of the play:


The pound of flesh which I demand of him Is deerely bought, ’tis mine, and I will haue it.

 pound of flesh The figurative use of the phrase to refer to any lawful but nevertheless unreasonable recompense dates to the late 18th century.

When you want to censor Shakespeare you can take your censorship and stick it where the sun don’t shine 


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