Andrew Feinstein launches new ‘mass movement of the left’ to challenge Labour

Andrew Feinstein
Andrew Feinstein

The Left Bites Back: Grassroots Resistance to Starmer’s Labour From Rochdale to Holborn

Hot on the heels of George Galloway’s stunning Rochdale victory, a bridgehead has been established. Now the fight advances into the very heart of the establishment beast.

This weekend, on the doorstep of Sir Keir Starmer’s own constituency of Holborn and St Pancras, that tireless crusader Andrew Feinstein will deliver a momentous endorsement for ‘Collective’. This new alliance of socialists, backed by an array of left-wing groups including the Workers Party, could blossom into the mass movement the left has craved.

After socialist comrades from TUSC and other groups rallied behind Galloway’s triumph over the forces of reaction in Rochdale, here finally is another glimmer of hope on the darkened horizons of our barren political wasteland. The left surge builds momentum.

This weekend, in Holborn, a gauntlet has been thrown down. As once Galloway stormed the ramparts in Rochdale, now an insurgent arises in Starmer’s own backyard.

The fightback begins in earnest, advancing into the rotten boroughs too long ruled by the apologists of the corporate shilling. Comrades and champions, take heart! In unity and solidarity, we can shake awake the slumbering socialists and build the fairer Britain so long denied us by the cabals of the selfish and powerful. Now is the hour to rally behind ‘Collective’ and forge a bold new path!

‘Collective’: A Rising Left-Wing Force Challenges Starmer’s Citadel in Holborn

Meet ‘Collective’

This weekend, that tireless crusader against war profiteering Andrew Feinstein delivered a momentous endorsement for ‘Collective,’ a new alliance destined to blossom into a mass movement of the left.

Rising from the ashes of Corbynism’s betrayal, this gathering of principled councillors, activists and independents may just offer redemption for our disenfranchised millions. The conference in Keir Starmer’s own constituency presages the first real challenge to his flimsy authority on the very doorstep of the lawyer-turned-politician.

Having witnessed first-hand the corruption Feinstein battled against in South Africa’s anti-apartheid struggle, the good people of Holborn have seen through Starmer’s hollow sophistry. His fence-sitting over Gaza was the final insult, exposing the tragic decline of Labour into a shambling husk. Now, this local son’s stand may spark a progressive insurgency.

Imagine it – a grassroots coalition of true socialists, trade unionists and community champions transforming into a mass force. No longer shackled by the reactionary relics of New Labour’s tragic embrace of the corporate shilling. Here is an alternative to speak truth to power, to sway the masses failed by lesser parties.

The road ahead will not be easy, but with conviction and courage, perhaps some good may yet emerge from the ashes of our broken politics. To all you disheartened champions of justice, I say take heart! In unity and solidarity, we can build the fairer Britain so long denied us by the cabals of the selfish and powerful. Now is the hour to rally to the standard of the ‘Collective’ and forge a bold new path.

Labour has abandoned… everyone

Andrew Feinstein said: “It’s not just Labour Party members who were the victims of Starmer’s entirely fictitious campaign for leadership of the party. The people of Holborn and St Pancras also elected him twice on a socialist platform under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.

Having lived in the constituency for over 20 years, I’ve been overwhelmed by the support and strength of feeling amongst local communities – and across the country – who are crying out for a response to the deeply corrupt, anti-democratic and out of touch Labour Party under Starmer.

Under his leadership, the party has now completely abandoned working people and marginalised communities in an escalating effort to out-Tory the Tories.

But this election must do more than just provide an alternative to the pro-genocide, pro-austerity Sunak-Starmer circus. It must also mark the beginnings of a new mass movement of working people that can challenge the Westminster bubble once and for all.

That’s why I’m proud to be joining Collective which is uniting sections of the left and will eventually transform into a new political party backed by an organised and democratic movement.

Collective: challenging our undemocratic system

Pamela Fitzpatrick, spokesperson for Collective and independent candidate for Harrow West, said: “Our political system – and now the Labour Party itself – is fundamentally anti-democratic and rigged against new parties, especially on the left.

The only way to address this is to build a mass movement outside of the Labour Party as a foundation for a new political party that is truly free of vested interests and which can offer a real alternative to the pro-austerity and pro-war two party system.

All around the country, independent candidates have and are coming forward to fight this election on a common platform calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, a real pay rise and decent housing for all, higher taxes for the rich, an end to privatisation of the NHS, and an end to unnecessary and unjust war.

That is the foundation which Collective will build on, and eventually transform into a political party that will change the face of British politics”.

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