MP Crispin Blunt Arrested: Westminster’s Moral Erosion When Lawmakers Become Scandal-Makers

Crispin Blunt
Parliament's Decline: From Representing the People to Repulsing Them

Ex-Tory MP Crispin Blunt Arrested on Suspicion of Rape and Possession of Drugs

Yet another Tory MP arrested for alleged sexual crimes reveals the cesspit of depravity festering at the heart of Westminster. The latest debauched mediocrity to embarrass the party only highlights the moral decay corroding our ruling class.

Tory MP Crispin Blunt has confirmed that he was arrested on Wednesday in connection with an allegation of rape.

In a statement, the Reigate MP, who had the whip suspended on Thursday, said he had twice been interviewed by police “in connection with this incident”.

Mr Blunt said he originally raised the incident with police three weeks ago over “my concern about extortion”.

He said he was cooperating with Surrey Police’s investigation and was confident he would not be charged.

The Conservative Party withdrew the whip from Mr Blunt, meaning he will sit as an independent MP after he confirmed he had been arrested. He has been asked to stay away from Parliament.

In a statement, Mr Blunt, said: “It has been reported that an MP was arrested yesterday [25 October] in connection with an allegation of rape. I am confirming that MP was me.

“The fact of the arrest requires a formal notification of the Speaker and then my chief whip.

“I have now been interviewed twice in connection with this incident, the first time three weeks ago, when I initially reported my concern over extortion.

“The second time was earlier this morning under caution following arrest. The arrest was unnecessary as I remain ready to cooperate fully with the investigation that I am confident will end without charge.

“I do not intend to say anything further on this matter until the police have completed their inquiries.”

A police spokesman said: “We can confirm a man in his 60s was arrested yesterday morning (25 October) in Horley, on suspicion of rape and possession of controlled substances.

“He has been released on conditional police bail pending further inquiries.”

The Conservative Party has declined to comment.

This is the latest sexual misconduct allegation to hit Westminster.

Politics and Perversions: The Dark Underbelly of UK Lawmaking

A question arises when we ask, are we surprised by the latest scandalous gossip swirling around Parliament? Hardly. The place has become little better than a tax-payer-funded brothel for dissolute MPs to indulge their sordid appetites.

The roll call of Tory reprobates hauled before the courts reads like a pervert’s Almanac. From gropers and flashers to rapists and stalkers, a parade of pathetic miscreants has sullied the party’s name. Not that Labour’s po-faced Puritans fare much better when their own tawdry secrets surface.

Such spectacles leave the public rightfully nauseated. Debating policy by day while leching after staff by night, these preening narcissists have dragged British politics into the gutter. Their private warped proclivities are matched only by their arrogant sense of entitlement.

Have we forgotten these so-called lawmakers are meant to represent the people, not repulse them with their tawdry antics? Westminster has become a cesspit of amorality where decency and probity go to die.

Britons today view their Parliament as little more than a lecherous old fool eyeing up a young barmaid. The mother of all Parliaments? More like the madam of all brothels, welcoming each new crop of scoundrels to sully its halls.

If Westminster wishes to salvage any integrity from this squalid farce, they must purge their ranks of reprobates. The party founded by Wilberforce now resembles a repugnant old lecher eyeing up a young barmaid. How the mighty have fallen.

Whereas the Labour Party have become a parade of charlatans who long ago abandoned any moral integrity. Heirs to Burke and Keir Hardie in name only, This assembly has evolved into a clique of barristers who, instead of practising law, seem more intent on revelling in the perverse. They debase the legacy of their parties through their twisted antics. The mother of all Parliaments? More like the mistress of all vice.

This growing catalogue reveals an unsettling underbelly of impropriety within the political sphere. While the identities of some individuals must remain undisclosed due to legal reasons, those with established accusations and verdicts include:

Some of the Accused or Convicted Conservative MPs:

  1. Charlie Elphicke: Former MP for Dover, convicted in 2020 of three counts of sexual assault against two women.
  2. Imran Ahmad Khan: Former MP for Wakefield, convicted in 2022 of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy.
  3. Neil Parish: MP for Tiverton and Honiton, admitted to watching porn in the House of Commons.
  4. David Warburton: MP for Somerton and Frome, facing allegations from three women.
  5. Rob Roberts: Former MP for Delyn, found to have sexually harassed a junior staff member.
  6. Andrew Griffiths: Former MP, resigned in 2019 after sending sexually explicit messages to constituents and allegations of rape by his wife in family proceedings.

Accused or Convicted Labour MPs:

  1. Mike Hill: Former MP for Hartlepool, resigned in 2021 after an employment tribunal upheld allegations of sexual harassment.
  2. John Woodcock: Former MP for Barrow and Furness, left Labour amid sexual harassment claims.
  3. Kelvin Hopkins: Former MP for Luton North, faced allegations of inappropriate physical contact and harassment in 2017.
  4. Geraint Davies: Former MP, lost the party whip over sexual harassment allegations.
  5. Christian Matheson: Former MP, resigned over allegations of sexual misconduct.
  6. Keith Vaz: Former MP, suspended for offering to buy cocaine for male escorts after a drug and sex probe.
  7. Clive Lewis: MP for Norwich South, cleared of sexual harassment allegations in 2017.

Other Political Figures:

  1. Lord Ahmed of Rotherham: Former Labour peer, convicted of child sex offences.
  2. Patrick Grady: SNP MP, resigned as the party’s chief whip in Westminster amid allegations of sexual harassment.
  3. Derek MacKay: Former Scottish finance minister, forced to resign in 2020 after stalking a 16-year-old boy.

Crispin Blunt is the latest alleged predator to blight public life. A symptom of the wider disease corrupting our politics. Until the parties purge themselves of reprobates and relearn the virtues of dignity, service and self-restraint, democracy will continue its sickly decline.

Voters today regard their representatives, police force and greater institutions as little better than drunken letches making a mockery of the honour afforded them. Westminster sorely needs a cultural revolution before it drags politics to irredeemable depths. Enough with the debauchery – the nation wants its self-respect back.

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